Monday, July 01, 2024

Wedding crap!

Here's a link to the RSVP site, as most social media things block it as spam!

Wedding RSVP!

Friday, December 14, 2018

Der Kommissar (Falco)

Two, three, four
Eins, zwei drei
Na, es is nix dabei
Na, wenn ich Euch erzähl' die G'schicht'
Nichts desto trotz
Ich bin es schon gewohnt
Im TV-Funk da läuft es nicht
Ja, sie war jung,
Das Herz so rein und weiß
Und jede Nacht hat ihren Preis
Sie sagt: „Sugar Sweet
Ya got me rappin' to the heat!“
Ich verstehe, sie ist heiß
Sie sagt: „Baby, look
I miss my funky friends“
Sie meint Jack und Joe und Jill
Mein Funkverständnis
Ja, das reicht zur Not
Ich überreiss', was sie jetzt will
Ich überleg' bei mir
Ihr' Nas'n spricht dafür
Währenddessen ich noch rauch'
Die Special Places sind ihr wohlbekannt
Ich mein', sie fährt ja U-Bahn auch
Dort singen's
„Drah' di net um, oh oh oh
Schau, schau, der Kommissar geht um! oh oh oh
Er wird dich anschauen
Und du…
„Drah' di net um, oh oh oh
Schau, schau, der Kommissar geht um! oh oh oh
Er wird dich anschauen
Und du weißt warum
Die Lebenslust bringt dich um“
Alles klar, Herr Kommissar?
Hey wanna buy some stuff, man?
How did you ever rap that thing, Jack?
So rap it to the beat
Wir treffen Jill and Joe
Und dessen Bruder Hip
Und auch den Rest der coolen Gang
Sie rappen hin, sie rappen her
Dazwischen kratzen's ab die Wänd'
Dieser Fall ist klar
Lieber Herr Kommissar
Auch wenn sie anderer Meinung sind
Den Schnee auf dem wir alle
Talwärts fahren
Kennt heute jedes Kind
Jetzt das Kinderlied
„Drah di net um, oh oh oh
Schau, schau, der Kommissar geht um! oh oh oh
Er hat die Kraft und wir sind klein und dumm
Und dieser Frust macht uns stumm“
„Drah di net um, oh oh oh
Schau, schau, der Kommissar geht um! oh oh oh“
Wenn er dich anspricht
Und du weißt warum
Sag eahm
Dein Leben bringt dich um
Alles klar, Herr Kommissar?
„Drah di net um, oh oh oh
Schau, schau, der Kommissar geht um! oh oh oh
Er hat die Kraft und wir sind klein und dumm
Und dieser Frust macht uns stumm“
„Drah di net um, oh oh oh
Schau, schau, der Kommissar geht um! oh oh oh“
Wenn er dich anspricht
Und du weißt warum
Sag eahm
Dein Leben bringt dich um
„Drah di net um, oh oh oh
Schau, schau, der Kommissar geht um! oh oh oh“
„Drah di net um, oh oh oh
Schau, schau, der Kommissar geht um! oh oh oh“
„Drah di net um, oh oh oh
Schau, schau, der Kommissar geht um! oh oh oh“


Two three four
one, two, three
Well, it's nothing
Well, if I tell you the story
I'm already used to it
It doesn't work on the tv-radio
Yes, she was young
Her heart so pure and clean
And each night had its price
She said, "sugar sweet, ya got me rappin' to the heat!"
I understand she's hot
She says, "Baby look,
I miss my funky friends"
She means Jack and Joe and Jill
my radio understanding (?)
Yes, that's enough of the distress (?)
I'm going beyond what she wants now
I think about it
Your noses speak for it (?) [Are in favor of it?]
Meanwhile I'm still smoking
She knows the Special Places well
I mean, she also drives the subway
That's where it sings

Don't turn around oh oh
Look, look, the commissioner is going around!
He'll see you
and you know why
The joie de vivre will kill you

Is everything good, Mr. Commissioner?

Hey wanna buy some stuff, man?
How did you ever rap that thing, Jack?
So rap it to the beat
We meet Jill and Joe
And that brother Hip
And the rest of their cool gang
They rap here, they rap there
In between we scratch it off the walls
this case is clear, 
Dear Mr. Commissioner
Even if you don't agree

The snow on which we all drive downhill
Every child knows today the children's song:

Don't turn around oh oh
look, look, the Commissioner is going around!
He has the power and we are small and dumb
This frustration makes us mute.

Don't turn around oh oh
look, look, the Commissioner is going around!

 When he speaks to you
and you know why
Say to him
your life is killing you

Monday, May 19, 2008

Shina No Yoru

I'm going to attempt to translate "Shina no Yoru" into French. I didn't do the Japanese translation, in fact I don't know any Japanese, so basically, I'm translating the English translation of Shina no Yoru into French...

Quelle nuit au Chine!

Quelle nuit au Chine
Les lumières de le port
nuit pourprée profond
junque en voile
bâteau des rêves
Ah, je ne peut pas oublier
le son de kokyu
Nuit au Chine
nuit des rêves
Nuit au Chine

Quelle nuit au Chine
En la fenetre couverte de saules
une rampe tremble
une cage d'oiseau rouge
une fille Chinoise
ahh tristement
chant les chants d'amours
Nuit au Chine
nuit des rêves
Nuit au Chine

Quelle nuit au Chine!
Je t'attend
sous le pluie au Obashima
Les fleurs en fleur
comme le fard rouge sur ses joues
même après la séparation
Je n'oublierai jamais
Nuit au Chine
nuit des rêves

Shina no yoru yo!
minato no akari
Murasaki no yo: ni
Noboru janku no
Yume no fune Aaaah,
aaaah, wasurarenu
Kokyu no ne
Shina no yoru
yume no yoru
Shina no yoru

Shina no yoru yo!
Yanagi no mado ni
Rantan yurete
Akai torikago
Shina musume
Aa, yarusenai
Ai no uta
Shina no yoru
Yume no yoru
Shina no yoru

Shuna no roru yo
Kimi matsu yoi wa
Obashima no ame ni
Hana mo chiru chiru
Benji mo chiru
Aa, aa,wakarete mo
Shina no yoru
Yume no yoru

What a night in China!
harbor lights
deep purple night
sailing junk
Ship of dreams
Ah Ah, I cannot forget
the sound of the kokyu*
China night
night of dreams
China night

What a night in China
In the willow window
A ramp was shaking
A red bird cage
A Chinese girl
Ah sadly
Singing love songs
China night
Night of dreams
China night

What a night in China!
waiting for you
in the rain at Obashima
Flowers in bloom
like rouge on her cheeks
even after parting
I will never forget
China night
night of dreams

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Russian Names

I found this French site on Communist-era Russian first name inventions. Here's my attempt at translating!

First Names

newly-invented first names

the revolution caused upheavels also in the area of first names: in this era, officials distributed brochures with "politically and ideologically" correct names, and invited parents to draw on these ideas for naming their children. These strange names had their moment of glory between 1917 and 1940, but after that, taraditional names returned in full force. There remains hardly anything of thse names, but they remain a curiosity...

Aelita f - Name of a Martian princess, invented by Alexsi Tolstoy for his sci-fi novel of the same name.
Artaka f (ARTilleriïskaïa AKAdemia) - "the Academy of Artillery"
Arvil m (ARmia V.I. Lenina) - "the army of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin"
Avangard m - "l'avant-garde"

Dalis m (DA zdravstvouïout Lenin I Stalin!) - "Long live Lenin and Stalin!"
Damir m (DA zdravstvouïet MIR!) - "long live peace!"
Dazdraperma f (DA ZDRAvstvouïet PERvoïe MAïa!) - "long live May 1st!"
Dazvsemir m (DA Zdravstvouïet VSEMIrnaïa Revolutsia!) - "long live the world-wide revolution!"
Dekabrina f - December
Delej m (DElo LEnina Jiviot!) - "see the masterpieces of Lenin?"
Diner m, Dinera f (DItia Novoï ERy) - "Child of a new era"
Dognat-Peregnat m - "catch up and succeed!" (refernce to the slogan "catch up to and overtake America!")
Donera f (DOtch' novoï ERy) - "girl of a new era"
Dotnara f (DOtch' Troudovogo NARodA) - "girl of a hard-working people"

Elektrifikatsia f - Electrification
Elektron m - electron
Elem m - "Engels, LEnin, Marx"
Era f - era
Erlen m, Erlena f (ERa LENina) - "the era of Lenin"

Gueni m - "Genius"
Guertrouda f (GUERoï TROUDA) - "Worker Hero"

Ianvar' m - January
Iaslenik m (IA S LENinym I Kroupskoï) - 'I'm with Lenin and & Kroupskaïa"
Ideïa f - Idea
Idillia f - Idyllic?
Idlen m (IDeï LENina) - "Ideas of Lenin"
Iounnata f (IOUNaia NATouralistkA) - "young naturalist"
Iskra f - spark ( reference to the newspaper "Iskra")
Istmat m (ISToritcheskiï MATerializm) - "historical materialism"
Izil m (Ispolniaï Zaviety ILlitcha) - "carry out the orders of Lenin"

Jeldora f (JELeznaïa DORogA) - "train"

Kid m (Kommounistitcheskiï IDeal) - "ideal communist"
Kim m, Kima f (Kommounistitcheskiï Internatsional Molodioji) - Communist Youth International
Koukoutsapol m (KOUKOUrouza - TSAritsa POLeï) - "Corn is the queen of the fields"
Krarmia f (KRasnaïa ARMIA) - "Red Army"

Lagchmivara f (LAGuer' CHMIdta V ARktike) - "Chmidt's arctic encampment" (a scientific explorer who was trapped by an ice floe)
Lapanalda f (LAguer' PApanintsev na ldinie) - "the encampment of Papanin on the ice barrier)
Last m (LAtychskiï STrelok) - "the Latvian gunner"
Ledat m (LEv DAvidovitch Trotski) Lyev (Leon) Davidovich Trotsky
Ledroud m (LEnin - DROUg Deteï) - "Lenin is a friend to children"
Lelud m (LEnin LUbit Deteï) - "Lenin loves kids"
Lemira f (LEnin, MIRovaïa revolutsiA) - "Lenin, the world revolution"
Lenara f (LENinskaïa ARmiA) - "Lenin's army"
Lenguenmir m (LENin - GUENi MIRa) - "Lenin is the genius of the world"
Lenina f
Leninid m (LENINskie IDeï) - "Lenin's ideas"
Leninir m (LENIN I Revolutsia) - "Lenin and the revolution"
Lenior m (LENIn I Oktiabrskaïa Revolutsia) - "Lenin and the October Revolution"
Leniz m (LENInskie Zavety) - "The directives of Lenin"
Lenora f (LENin - Nache ORoujie) - "Lenin is our weapon"
Lenta f (LENinskaïa Troudovaïa Armia) - "Lenin's worker army"
Lentroch m (LENin, TROtski, CHaoumian) "Lenin, Trotsky, Chaoumian)
Leoundiej m (LEnin OUmer, No Delo IEgo Jiviot) - "Lenin is dead, but his masterpiece lives on"
Les m (LEnin, Stalin) - "Lenin, Stalin"
Lestak m (LEnin, STAlin, Kommounizm) - "Lenin, Stalin, Communism"
Lorierik m (Lenin, Oktiabrskaïa Revolutsia, Indoustrializatsia, Elektrifikatsia, Radiofikatsia I Kommounizm) - "Lenin, October REvolution, Industrialization, radiofication, and Communism
Lounio m (Lenin OUmer, No Ideï Ostalis') - "Lenin is dead, but his ideas remain"
Louïdji m, Louïdja f (Lenin OUmer, no IDeï JIvy) - "Lenin is dead, but his ideas live on"
Lublen m (LUBi LENina) - "Lenin Loves"

Maels m (MArks, Engels, Lenin, Stalin) - "Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin"
Maenlest m (MArks, ENgels, LEnin, STalin) - "Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin"
Magnita f - "Magnet"
Marksen m, Marksena f (MARKS, ENgels) - "Marx, Engels"
Marksina f - of Marx
Marklen m, Marlen m (MARKs, LENin) - "Marx, Lenin"
Mek m (Marks, Engels, Kommounizm) - "Marx, Engels, Communism"
Melo m (Marks, Engels, Lenin, Oktiabr) "Marx, Engels, Lenin, October
Melor m (Marks, Engels, Lenin, Oktiabrskaïa Revolutsia) - "Marx, Engels, Lenin, rOctober Revolution"
Miouda f (Mejdounarodnyï IOUnocheskiï Dien') - "International Day of Youth"
Mir m - "peace" (like the space station)

Ninel f - "Lenin" in reverse. This name was used longer than the others, perhaps because of verlan (word game"? !
Niserkha f (NIkita SERgueïevitch KHrouchtchev) Nikita Sergeiovich Khruschev
Novomir m (NOVyï MIR) - "the new world"

Odvara f (Osobaïa DalneVostotchnaïa ARmia) - "Far East Special Army'
Oïouchminalda f (Otto IOUlievitch CHMIdt NA LDine) - "Otto Yulievich Chmidt on the Ice Floe"
Oktiabrina f - October
Orbita f - Orbit
Orletos m (Oktiabrskaïa Revolutsia, LEnin, Troud - Osnova Sotsializma) - "October Revolution, Lenin and Work are the base of socialism"
Ouriourvkos m (OURa, IOURa V KOSmossie!) - "yuri, Yuri's in space!" (it's about Yuri Gagarin)

Papir m (PArtiïnaïa PIRamida) - "The party pyramid"
Persostrat m (PERvyï SOvietskiï STRATostat) - "The first Soviet Stratostat" (I can't tell exactly what a "stratostat" is-- it looks kind of like a parachute. The only definitions I can find are in Romanian and Vietnamese!
Piatvtchet m (PIATiletkou V TCHETyrie goda!) - "the 5-year plan in 4 years !"
Plinta f (Partia Lenina I Narodnaïa Troudovaïa Armia) - "Lenin's Party and the Army of Workers of the People"
Pofistal m (PObeditel Fachizma Iossif STALin) - "Josef Stalin, the Vanquisher of Fascism"
Poligraf m - polygraph
Polza f (POmni Leninskie ZAvety) - "remember the precepts of Lenin"
Pores m (POmni REchenia Siezdov) - "Remember the resolutions of the congresses" (about the congress of the Communist Party)
Pravdina f - de "pravda" : "truth" the newspaper of the same name
Pravlen m (PRAVda LENina) - "the truth of Lenin"
Pridespar m (PRIvet DElegatam Siezda PARtii) - "A big Howdy to the delegated congress of the Party" (OK, it's more like "hello to the d...")

Rada f (RAbotchaïa DemokratiA) - "Democracy of the people"
Radi m - "Radium", chemical element
Raïtia f (RAïonnaïa TIpografiA) - "the typography of the district"
Rakieta f - rocket
Rem m, Remir m (Revolutsia, Elektrifikatsia, MIR) - "revolution, electrification, peace"
Revmark m (REVolutsionnyï MARKsizm) - "revolutionary Marxism"
Revmira f (REVolutsia MIRA) - "revolution of the world"
Revold m (REVOLutsionnoïe Dvijenie) - "revolutionary movement"
Revolutsia f - revolution
Rim m (Revolutsia I Mir) - "revolution and peace"
Roblen m (ROdilsia Byt' LENintsem) - "Born to be a Leninist"

Selsoviet m (SELskiï SOVIET) - "Soviet of the village"
Sentiabrina f - September
Silen m (SIla LENina) - "Lenin's Might"
Spermaïa f (S PERvym MAÏA) - "Happy May First!"
Stalen m (STAlin, LENin) Stalin, Lenin
Stalina f
Stator m (STAlin TORjestvouïet) - "Stalin triumphs"
Statrazav m (STAlinskiï TRAktornyï ZAVod) - factory of Stalin tractors

Taklis m (TAKtika Lenina I Stalina) - "the tactics of Lenin and Stalin"
Tchelnaldina f, Tchelusnaldina f (TCHELUSkin NA LDINie) - "Tcheluskine on the ice floe" (the ship of the aforementioned Shmidt)
Tomik m (TOrjestvouïet Marksizm I Kommounizm) - "Marxism and Communism triumphant"
Tomil m (TOrjestvo Marksa I Lenina) - "the triumph of Marx and Lenin"
Traktor m, Traktorina f -tractor
Trolen m (TROtski, LENin) Trotsky, Lenin
Trolezin m (TROtski, LEnin, ZINoviev) Trotsky, Lenin, Zinoviev (soviet hero)

Vaterpejekosma f (VAlentina TERechkova - PErvaïa JEnchtchina- KOSMonAvt) - "Valentina Terechkova - the first female cosmonaut"
Vektor m (VElikiï Kommounizm TORjestvouïet) - "the greatness of communism triumphs"
Velior m (VELIkaïa Oktiabrskaïa Revolutsia) - "the great October Revolution"
Velira f (VELIkiï RAbotchiï) - "the great worker"
Veor m (VElikaïa Oktiabrskaïa Revolutsia) - "the great October Revolution"
Vidlen m (Velikie IDeï LENina) - "the great ideas of Lenin"
Vilan m (V.I.Lenin i Akademia Naouk) - "Vladimir Ilitch Lenin and the academy of sciences"
Vilen m (V.I.LENin) - "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin"
Vilis m (V.I.Lenin, I.Stalin) - "Vladimir Ilitch Lenin, Josef Stalin"
Vilor m, Vilora f (V.I.Lenin - Organizator Revolutsii) - "Vladimir Ilitch Lenin is the founder of the revolution"
Vilorik m (V.I.Lenin - Osvoboditel Rabotchikh I Krestian) - "Vladimir Ilitch Lenin is the liberator of workman and peasants"
Vilur m (Vladimir Ilitch LUbit Rodinou) - "Vladimir Ilitch loves the fatherland"
Vinoun m (Vladimir Ilitch Nie OUmriot Nikogda) - "Vladimir Ilitch will never die"
Vist m (Velikaïa Istoritcheskaïa Sila Trouda) - "the great historical force of work"
Vladlen m, Vladlena f (VLADimir LENin) - "Vladimir Lenin"
Vladilen m, Vladilena f (VLADImir LENin) - "Vladimir Lenin"
Volen m (VOlia LENina) - "the will of Lenin"
Vors m (VORochilovskiï Strelok) - "the gunner of Vorochilov"
Vykraznar m (VYche KRAsnoïe ZNAmia Revolutsii !) - "the red flag of the revolution-- raise it high!"

les Prénoms Russes



La révolution a provoqué des bouleversements même dans le domaine des prénoms : à l'époque, les autorités distribuaient des brochures avec les prénoms "politiquement et idéologiquement" corrects et invitaient les parents à y puiser des idées pour nommer leurs enfants. Ces prénoms bizarres ont eu leur heure de gloire entre 1917 et 1940, mais par la suite les prénoms traditionnels sont revenus en force. Il ne reste pratiquement rien de ceux-ci, considérés comme une curiosité...
Je vous en livre ici un petit aperçu :

Aelita f - prénom d'une princesse martienne, inventé par Alexeï Tolstoï pour son roman de science-fiction du même nom
Artaka f (ARTilleriïskaïa AKAdemia) - "l'Académie de l'artillerie"
Arvil m (ARmia V.I. Lenina) - "l'armée de Vladimir Illitch Lénine"
Avangard m - "l'avant-garde"

Dalis m (DA zdravstvouïout Lenin I Stalin!) - "vivent Lénine et Staline !"
Damir m (DA zdravstvouïet MIR!) - "vive la paix !"
Dazdraperma f (DA ZDRAvstvouïet PERvoïe MAïa!) - "vive le 1er Mai !"
Dazvsemir m (DA Zdravstvouïet VSEMIrnaïa Revolutsia!) - "vive la révolution mondiale !"
Dekabrina f - décembre
Delej m (DElo LEnina Jiviot!) - "l'ouvre de Lénine vit"
Diner m, Dinera f (DItia Novoï ERy) - "l'enfant de la nouvelle ère"
Dognat-Peregnat m - "rattraper et dépasser" (référence au slogan "Rattraper et dépasser l'Amérique !")
Donera f (DOtch' novoï ERy) - "la fille de la nouvelle ère"
Dotnara f (DOtch' Troudovogo NARodA) - "la fille du peuple travailleur"

Elektrifikatsia f - électrification
Elektron m - électron
Elem m - "Engels, LEnine, Marx"
Era f - ère
Erlen m, Erlena f (ERa LENina) - "l'ère de Lénine"

Gueni m - "le génie"
Guertrouda f (GUERoï TROUDA) - "le héros du travail"

Ianvar' m - janvier
Iaslenik m (IA S LENinym I Kroupskoï) - "je suis avec Lénine et Kroupskaïa"
Ideïa f - idée
Idillia f - idylle
Idlen m (IDeï LENina) - "les idées de Lénine"
Iounnata f (IOUNaia NATouralistkA) - "jeune naturaliste"
Iskra f - étincelle ( référence au journal "Iskra")
Istmat m (ISToritcheskiï MATerializm) - "le matérialisme historique"
Izil m (Ispolniaï Zaviety ILlitcha) - "exécute les préceptes de Lénine"

Jeldora f (JELeznaïa DORogA) - "le chemin de fer"

Kid m (Kommounistitcheskiï IDeal) - "l'idéal communiste"
Kim m, Kima f (Kommounistitcheskiï Internatsional Molodioji) - International de la Jeunesse communiste
Koukoutsapol m (KOUKOUrouza - TSAritsa POLeï) - "le maïs est la reine des champs"
Krarmia f (KRasnaïa ARMIA) - "l'Armée Rouge"

Lagchmivara f (LAGuer' CHMIdta V ARktike) - "le campement de Chmidt en Arctique" (un scientifique et explorateur qui avait été bloqué sur la banquise)
Lapanalda f (LAguer' PApanintsev na ldinie) - "le campement des papanintsy (du nom de Papanine) sur la banquise)
Last m (LAtychskiï STrelok) - "le tireur letton"
Ledat m (LEv DAvidovitch Trotski)
Ledroud m (LEnin - DROUg Deteï) - "Lénine est l'ami des enfants"
Lelud m (LEnin LUbit Deteï) - "Lénine aime les enfants"
Lemira f (LEnin, MIRovaïa revolutsiA) - "Lénine, la révolution mondiale"
Lenara f (LENinskaïa ARmiA) - "l'armée de Lénine"
Lenguenmir m (LENin - GUENi MIRa) - "Lénine est le génie du monde"
Lenina f
Leninid m (LENINskie IDeï) - "les idées de Lénine"
Leninir m (LENIN I Revolutsia) - "Lénine et la révolution"
Lenior m (LENIn I Oktiabrskaïa Revolutsia) - "Lénine et la révolution d'octobre"
Leniz m (LENInskie Zavety) - "les préceptes de Lénine"
Lenora f (LENin - Nache ORoujie) - "Lénine est notre arme"
Lenta f (LENinskaïa Troudovaïa Armia) - "l'armée des travailleurs de Lénine"
Lentroch m (LENin, TROtski, CHaoumian)
Leoundiej m (LEnin OUmer, No Delo IEgo Jiviot) - "Lénine est mort, mais son ouvre vit"
Les m (LEnin, Stalin) - "Lénine, Staline"
Lestak m (LEnin, STAlin, Kommounizm) - "Lénine, Staline, communisme"
Lorierik m (Lenin, Oktiabrskaïa Revolutsia, Indoustrializatsia, Elektrifikatsia, Radiofikatsia I Kommounizm) - "Lénine, révolution d'octobre, industrialisation, électrification, radiofication et communisme"
Lounio m (Lenin OUmer, No Ideï Ostalis') - "Lénine est mort, mais ses idées restent"
Louïdji m, Louïdja f (Lenin OUmer, no IDeï JIvy) - "Lénine est mort, mais ses idées vivent"
Lublen m (LUBi LENina) - "aime Lénine"

Maels m (MArks, Engels, Lenin, Stalin) - "Marx, Engels, Lénine, Staline"
Maenlest m (MArks, ENgels, LEnin, STalin) - "Marx, Engels, Lénine, Staline"
Magnita f - "l'aimant"
Marksen m, Marksena f (MARKS, ENgels) - "Marx, Engels"
Marksina f - de Marx
Marklen m, Marlen m (MARKs, LENin) - "Marx, Lénine"
Mek m (Marks, Engels, Kommounizm) - "Marx, Engels, communisme"
Melo m (Marks, Engels, Lenin, Oktiabr)
Melor m (Marks, Engels, Lenin, Oktiabrskaïa Revolutsia) - "Marx, Engels, Lénine, révolution d'octobre"
Miouda f (Mejdounarodnyï IOUnocheskiï Dien') - "journée internationale de la jeunesse"
Mir m - "paix" (comme la station orbitale)

Ninel f - "Lénine" à l'envers. Ce prénom a été utilisé plus longtemps que les autres, peut-être à cause du verlan !
Niserkha f (NIkita SERgueïevitch KHrouchtchev)
Novomir m (NOVyï MIR) - "le monde nouveau"

Odvara f (Osobaïa DalneVostotchnaïa ARmia) - "l'armée spéciale de l'Extrême-Orient'
Oïouchminalda f (Otto IOUlievitch CHMIdt NA LDine) - "Otto Ioulievitch Chmidt sur la banquise"
Oktiabrina f - octobre
Orbita f - orbite
Orletos m (Oktiabrskaïa Revolutsia, LEnin, Troud - Osnova Sotsializma) - "révolution d'octobre, Lénine et travail sont la base du socialisme"
Ouriourvkos m (OURa, IOURa V KOSmossie!) - "houra, Ioura est dans l'espace !" (il s'agit de Iouri Gagarine)

Papir m (PArtiïnaïa PIRamida) - "la pyramide du parti"
Persostrat m (PERvyï SOvietskiï STRATostat) - "le premier stratostat soviétique"
Piatvtchet m (PIATiletkou V TCHETyrie goda!) - "le plan quinquennal en quatre ans !"
Plinta f (Partia Lenina I Narodnaïa Troudovaïa Armia) - "le parti de Lénine et l'armée des travailleurs du peuple"
Pofistal m (PObeditel Fachizma Iossif STALin) - "le vainqueur du fascisme Iossif Staline"
Poligraf m - polygraphe
Polza f (POmni Leninskie ZAvety) - "souviens-toi des préceptes de Lénine"
Pores m (POmni REchenia Siezdov) - "souviens-toi des résolutions des congrès" (il s'agit des congrès du parti communiste)
Pravdina f - de "pravda" : "vérité" et du journal de même nom
Pravlen m (PRAVda LENina) - "la vérité de Lénine"
Pridespar m (PRIvet DElegatam Siezda PARtii) - "salut aux délégués du congrès du parti"

Rada f (RAbotchaïa DemokratiA) - "la démocratie du peuple"
Radi m - du "radium", élément chimique
Raïtia f (RAïonnaïa TIpografiA) - "la typographie du district"
Rakieta f - fusée
Rem m, Remir m (Revolutsia, Elektrifikatsia, MIR) - "révolution, électrification, paix"
Revmark m (REVolutsionnyï MARKsizm) - "le marxisme révolutionnaire"
Revmira f (REVolutsia MIRA) - "la révolution du monde"
Revold m (REVOLutsionnoïe Dvijenie) - "le mouvement révolutionnaire"
Revolutsia f - révolution
Rim m (Revolutsia I Mir) - "révolution et paix"
Roblen m (ROdilsia Byt' LENintsem) - "né pour être léniniste"

Selsoviet m (SELskiï SOVIET) - "le soviet du village"
Sentiabrina f - septembre
Silen m (SIla LENina) - "la force de Lénine"
Spermaïa f (S PERvym MAÏA) - "bonne fête du 1er mai"
Stalen m (STAlin, LENin)
Stalina f
Stator m (STAlin TORjestvouïet) - "Staline triomphe"
Statrazav m (STAlinskiï TRAktornyï ZAVod) - usine de tracteurs Staline

Taklis m (TAKtika Lenina I Stalina) - "la tactique de Lénine et Staline"
Tchelnaldina f, Tchelusnaldina f (TCHELUSkin NA LDINie) - "Tcheluskine sur la banquise" (du nom du navire de Chmidt déjà cité)
Tomik m (TOrjestvouïet Marksizm I Kommounizm) - "marxisme et communisme triomphent"
Tomil m (TOrjestvo Marksa I Lenina) - "le triomphe de Marx et Lénine"
Traktor m, Traktorina f - tracteur
Trolen m (TROtski, LENin)
Trolezin m (TROtski, LEnin, ZINoviev)

Vaterpejekosma f (VAlentina TERechkova - PErvaïa JEnchtchina- KOSMonAvt) - "Valentina Terechkova - la première femme cosmonaute"
Vektor m (VElikiï Kommounizm TORjestvouïet) - "le grand communisme triomphe"
Velior m (VELIkaïa Oktiabrskaïa Revolutsia) - "la grande révolution d'octobre"
Velira f (VELIkiï RAbotchiï) - "le grand ouvrier"
Veor m (VElikaïa Oktiabrskaïa Revolutsia) - "la grande révolution d'octobre"
Vidlen m (Velikie IDeï LENina) - "les grandes idées de Lénine"
Vilan m (V.I.Lenin i Akademia Naouk) - "Vladimir Ilitch Lénine et l'Académie des Sciences"
Vilen m (V.I.LENin) - "Vladimir Ilitch Lénine"
Vilis m (V.I.Lenin, I.Stalin) - "Vladimir Ilitch Lénine, Iossif Staline"
Vilor m, Vilora f (V.I.Lenin - Organizator Revolutsii) - "Vladimir Ilitch Lénine est l'organisateur de la révolution"
Vilorik m (V.I.Lenin - Osvoboditel Rabotchikh I Krestian) - "Vladimir Ilitch Lénine est le libérateur des ouvriers et des paysans"
Vilur m (Vladimir Ilitch LUbit Rodinou) - "Vladimir Ilitch aime sa patrie"
Vinoun m (Vladimir Ilitch Nie OUmriot Nikogda) - "Vladimir Ilitch ne mourra jamais"
Vist m (Velikaïa Istoritcheskaïa Sila Trouda) - "la grande force historique du travail"
Vladlen m, Vladlena f (VLADimir LENin) - "Vladimir Lénine"
Vladilen m, Vladilena f (VLADImir LENin) - "Vladimir Lénine"
Volen m (VOlia LENina) - "la volonté de Lénine"
Vors m (VORochilovskiï Strelok) - "le tireur de Vorochilov"
Vykraznar m (VYche KRAsnoïe ZNAmia Revolutsii !) - "le drapeau rouge de la révolution - hissez haut!"

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Spam auf Deutsch!

I got this email today that said:
Alle Frauen sind schon erlöst, nur Männer bedürfen der Erlösung! Amen.

All women are already redeemed, but men require redeeming! Amen.

How completely random!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Heino - Regenbogen Johnny

Regenbogen Johnny

Das schoenste Maedchen in den Bergen,
das heit Siouxcity-Sue.
In einem Wigwam in Montana
wohnt sie im Land von Winnetou.
Sieben Tage, sieben Naechte
sucht' ich sie in der Praerie.
Ein Regenbogen in bunten Farben
wies mir den Weg. Da fand ich sie!
Sie sah mich an mit Maerchenaugen.
Es war Liebe auf den ersten Blick!
Ja, der Regen-, Regenbogen,
ja, der zeigte mir den Weg ins Glueck.
Und nach meinem Namen hat sie mich nie gefragt.
Nur Regenbogen-Johnny hat sie zu mir gesagt!

Komm in meinen Wigwam, Wigwam, ruh dich bei mir aus!
Komm in meinen Wigwam, Wigwam, hier bist du zuhaus'!
Komm in meinen Wigwam, Wigwam, ist er auch noch so klein. -
Regenbogen-Johnny, Regenbogen-Johnny,
komm und la uns gluecklich sein !
Regenbogen-Johnny, Regenbogen-Johnny,
la' mich nie mehr allein !

Lagerfeuer, Feuerwasser, Abendrot,
vom Sueden weht der Wind.
Und mein Blick, er geht nach Westen,
wo die Bueffelherden sind.
Fremde Laender, fremde Meere,
alles hab' ich schon geseh'n.
Doch in ihrer kleinen Huette
war die Welt nochmal so schoen !

Warum bin ich fortgegangen?
Meine Sehnsucht, die brennt immerzu,
nach den dunklen Maerchenaugen,
fern im Land von Winnetou.
Und nach meinem Namen hat sie mich nie gefragt.
Nur Regenbogen-Johnny hat sie zu mir gesagt,
C h o r: Regenbogen-Johnny.

Komm in meinen Wigwam, Wigwam, ruh dich bei mir aus!
Komm in meinen Wigwam, Wigwam, hier bist du zuhaus'!
Komm in meinen Wigwam, Wigwam, ist er auch noch so klein. -
Regenbogen-Johnny, Regenbogen-Johnny,
komm und la uns gluecklich sein !
Regenbogen-Johnny, Regenbogen-Johnny,
la' mich nie mehr allein


Rainbow Johnny

The most beautiful girl in the mountains
was named Sioux City Sue
in a wigwam in Montana,
she lived in the land of the Winnetou.
Seven days and seven nights
I searched for her on the prairie
a rainbow in bright colors
appeared on the trail. There I found her!
She looked at me with (marching?) eyes
It was love at first sight!
Yes the rain... rainbow
it showed me the way to luck
And my name, she had never asked,
She simply called me "Rainbow Johnny"!

Come into my wigwam, wigwam, rest yourself here with me
Come into my wigwam, wigwam, here you are at home
Come into my wigwam, wigwam, it's also still so small
Rainbow Johnny Rainbow Johnny
Come and let us be lucky!
Rainbow Johnny Rainbow Johnny
There I'll no longer be alone!

Campfire, whiskey (?), setting sun
The wind blew from the south
And my gaze fell to the west,
where the herds of buffalo are.
Foreign lands, foreign seas
I've seen them all
But in our little hut
the world is again so beautiful.

Why am I leaving?
My yearning, it burns always
for those dark, (marching?) eyes
far in the land of the Winnetou
My name, she had never asked,
She simply called me "Rainbow Johnny"!

Come into my wigwam, wigwam, rest yourself here with me
Come into my wigwam, wigwam, here you are at home
Come into my wigwam, wigwam, it's also still so small
Rainbow Johnny Rainbow Johnny
Come and let us be lucky!
Rainbow Johnny Rainbow Johnny
There I'll no longer be alone!

Friday, June 22, 2007


Wow, that was hard. Translating FROM your own language INTO another one is 100x more difficult that going the other way around, at least for me. I'd hate to see what my translation of "Gypsy" *really* means! No, actually I'd like to. It's really hard to look things up in the dictionary-- for example, the word "still," as in "I still see your bright eyes." Still can mean: quiet or non-moving, or it can be a noun meaning a photo taken from a movie, a distillation apparatus. It can be a verb meaning to silence or settle. It can be an adverb, like "she sits still," or used to show a contrast, as in "people with PhDs are still sometimes stupid." It can also be used like "even more," as in "Frank is fat, but Chuck is fatter still."

Hello, English language? Why didn't you just invent different words for all these usages? I think in French they are all different! The meaning I want is like "continuing; I continue to see your bright eyes."

Here's what Google Translations has to say about my attempt:

I turned over underground velour
turned over has the floor
which I like has a room with dentalle and the flowers out of turned over paper
has the gipsy which I was once
has the gipsy...
which I was
And it all goes down has you well, you know that it well,
the flash foudroye, perhaps once, perhaps twice
ah, and he illuminates the night
and you see your gipsy
you see your gipsy
With the gipsy which remains, it faces of freedom with a little fear.
I do not have any fear, only the love
and if I would have one child to
and the child would be rather enough for me to like
enough has the love
It dances far from me maintaining
It was only one wish
It was only one wish
And the memories, it are very that remains for you
You see your gipsy
I see your eyes brilliants however

La Gitane

Ok, I'm going to attempt to translate Fleetwood Mac into French. Why? I have no idea. I started this when I worked at Dunkin Donuts and was forced to listen to the Lite Rock station all day. They played "Gypsy" all the time, and I freaking love that song. I was so bored this one day it was raining that I tried translating this song into French in my head. Here goes... (note, I'm terrible with prepositons like in, on, to, etc.)

So Im back, to the velvet underground
Back to the floor, that I love
To a room with some lace and paper flowers
Back to the gypsy that I was
To the gypsy... that I was

And it all comes down to you
Well, you know that it does
Well, lightning strikes, maybe once, maybe twice
Ah, and it lights up the night
And you see your gypsy
You see your gypsy

To the gypsy that remains faces freedom with a little fear
I have no fear, I have only love
And if I was a child
And the child was enough
Enough for me to love
Enough to love

She is dancing away from me now
She was just a wish
She was just a wish
And a memory is all that is left for you now
You see your gypsy
You see your gypsy

Lightning strikes, maybe once, maybe twice
And it all comes down to you

And it all comes down to you

Lightning strikes, maybe once, maybe twice
And it all comes down to you

I still see your bright eyes, bright eyes
And it all comes down to you
I still see your bright eyes, bright eyes
And it all comes down to you

I still see your bright eyes, bright eyes
(she was just a wish)
(she was just a wish)
And it all comes down to you

Lightning strikes, maybe once, maybe twice
And it all comes down to you


J'ai retourné de la velour souterraine
retourné a le plancher qui j'aime
a une salle avec de la dentaille et les fleurs en papier
retourné a la gitane qui j'étais une fois
a la gitane... qui j'étais

Et il toute descend a toi
bien, tu sais qu'il
bien, l'éclair foudroye, peut-etre un fois, peut-etre deux fois
ah, et il illumine la nuit
et tu vois ta gitane
tu vois ta gitane

A la gitane qui reste, elle fait face de la liberté avec un peu de peur.
Je n'ai aucune de peur, seulement l'amour
et si j'aurais un enfant
et l'enfant serait assez
assez pour moi aimer
assez a l'amour

Elle danse loin de moi maintenant
Elle était seulement un souhait
Elle était seulement un souhait
Et les souvenirs, ce sont tout que reste pour toi
Tu vois ton gitane

Je continue voir cependant tes yeux brilliants